and where it all started.
“Baby, I bought a coffee roaster…”
My passion for coffee started around 14 years ago, working as a ‘Coffee Master’ for Starbucks (Coffee snobs scoff away…) - but it was a time widely-considered to be their ‘Golden Era’. Howard Shultz had just returned to the helm as CEO after a few years away, and was quickly re-establishing the ‘Legendary Service ’standards he founded the brand upon.
I fell in love with the brand honestly, and with handing off a hot mug of coffee with a smile. I helped create ‘The third place’ in my own store in Bromley, before being asked to train others all over the South East. I experienced varieties of beans from all around the world and was able to share my love for coffee both in-store and at the homes of customers, and was awarded the ‘Coffee Master of the Year’ title in 2010 as recognition for my efforts.
In the years since then I’ve pursued the ambition to open my own coffee shop, getting close on one occasion (but not being quite ready yet), whilst taking on roles in my core specialism of design and user experience, all within start-up businesses to learn from the best and pick up the skills necessary to go it alone.
During the third national lockdown in 2021, I came up with a crazy little idea to make ‘Credit Card’ start-ups (ventures that could be started for no more than a credit card balance and pay themselves off completely in a short timeframe, proving their business model/demand), a way to get little ideas going, fast - and put all my skills to use, on the way to the end goal at last.
CC Coffee (‘Credit Card’ Coffee) is the first 🏁
I’ll be documenting the whole journey and the latest balance, month by month - take a look